Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Guru poornima or Buddha poornima


Why can’t I go to both reiki masters?

Well, it’s like sailing on two different boats at a time. You may call it adventure. You may say it’ll speedup your journey and pace, but no you’ll fall into water. There is no way you can ride two motorbikes simultaneously. You are free to take your decision. The call is yours. Now don’t force master to meet your demand. He has his rule book to follow. And in this relationship master is at the higher and giving level (supposedly) and student at lower and receiving level. Surprising how the receiver demands his ‘Giver’ to be! How he demands his ‘Guru’ to act as per his likes and expectations!

What’ll happen to me if I leave right master for the wrong one?

Not much! You’ll go in circles till you again meet someone with ‘right attitude’ as your guide. It just means ‘you’ve decided to learn your lesson the hard way’. That’s all! See ‘right Guru’ as straight line - The short and sweet one towards your goal. And the ‘wrong one’ takes you away from the goal. But if you are ‘smart enough’ and stick to ‘right sadhan regularly then the sadhan itself will guide you’ towards right path eventually. Don’t worry. 

Judas committed ‘suicide’ after ‘betraying Jesus’. When Jesus was crucified and died, Judas couldn’t live with his guilt and gold coins and committed suicide. Even Jesus had told him “It was better if you weren’t born” when he was betrayed. His soul suffered for more than 2000 years and is said to be released of his sin only in this century.

Just understand the journey becomes a little longer, that’s all! So, instead of worrying about the repercussions of your actions and decisions, develop the quality to cherish the journey believing it to be ‘so’ for you (i.e., that it is your karma) and hence walk this path with a smile and enjoy this journey! Where are you going to do it twice? So, make the most of it.


For next 6 months, be with sadhan as much as you can. Don’t compare with others. You do what you can. Each unto his self!

Work on your attitude everyday of your life and when you are ready, you’ll meet your Guru.

Guru is like a ‘black cloud pregnant with water ready to shed its water at the earliest. If ‘student’ remains a dry land, all the water goes waste. But if he is fertile soil, then the result would be excellent foliage. Empty your ego for your ‘Guru’ to come in!

Better to be without a Guru than cling to a ‘wrong Guru’.

Once you accept or call someone your ‘Guru’ never mad mouth them.

Don’t let guilt stop you. Let your every fall become an incentive to raise your sadhan dosage.

The entire journey is about experiencing and learning and unlearning the wrong beliefs, lessons and assumptions. Be with it.

The journey runs through janmas so don’t try to understand everything with the limited knowledge and facts and figures of present life.

It’s not about holding the right cards. It’s all about playing the poor hand well.


1 comment:

Vaibhav said...

It’s not about holding the right cards. It’s all about playing the poor hand well.

Very thought provoking & interesting line..