Monday, August 15, 2016

15th August

Today 15th August is considered our Guru Dr.Mikao Usui's birthday. 

To All those who have received some benefit out of reiki, let today be a day to thank him for those benefits received.

Meditate atleast for 15 mts today as a form of gratitude to him.

Those who can't meditate (those of you who find it difficult or are not comfortable doing it) sit with eyes closed and state "I am grateful for x/y/z received because of you through Reiki". 

Don't be lazy and put it in one sentence "I thank for all received" NO...

"State each benefit separately and then say "Thank you for this blessing coming my way because of Reiki shared by you"

"Repeat for each blessing the same way"

"Make a list of blessings and then atleast for 15 mts  sit and thank"

You can do some charity on his behalf as per your wish.

Our first reiki meet was conducted today to commemorate his birthday.

More time spent in gratitude today would be ideal way of spending this special day for Reiki Channels.

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