Saturday, March 13, 2010

Note : Those who mark ‘not clear’, I request you to kindly elaborate what you didn’t understand if you wish to understand that day’s article clearly…..I’ll then explain it elaborately….please co-operate….

Let me explain the statement “Placing the right value on the things of this world and how to apply it in our day to day life”.

First and foremost, we need to break our belief-systems.

Some of the belief-systems that can be worked on would be –
“Everything that I like or admire should be possessed or owned by me.”

A. Mere possession doesn’t make that article ‘yours’ in real sense always। Legally yes, may be, but not ‘actually’. Every man who owns a woman need not necessarily have her mind and soul and vice-versa. So, he /she’s confused that he /she is dissatisfied and incomplete in spite of having him/her. This applies to every relationship. We can NEVER EVER OWN A PERSON. People are not the possessions. They can be objects of our affection or worhip, but however much we love still we can’t own the other person – including our

Liking public figures and admiring them is fine. But, to feel dejected and suffer pain as we can’t /don’t possess them – well that is a totally baseless pain we suffer with.

Just admiring a beautiful house, jewellery etc is not at fault. Thinking ‘I am incomplete and will not be happy till I own it – well, that is the root cause of the pain.’

These are mere examples. Let’s just apply this to every desire of ours to completely understand the statement “All that I like I need not own”.

Let me sum it up as :

Mind should not go to all such places where the eyes go.
And the Man should not go to all such places where the Mind goes.

B. “So, I should only look and never want to own, right?”

No. it’s not that. You can buy anything that fancies your sense. But, just remember, you will not become complete and happy because of the possessions you worked so hard to acquire. You will not become rich by owing them. You are already rich, complete and happy. Now, to express that happiness, you can go ahead and purchase things that you fancy. Also remember, if you can’t immediately purchase, then plan, save and then buy it/them. But, suffering the waiting period is ‘optional’ and completely ‘unnecessary’. So, DON’T. Enjoy the waiting – earn and work for what you desire, become WORTHY of it and then simply ENJOY it! Simple!

Happiness is the journey and not the destination. So, remember the journey is worth more that the destination. Always, ANTICIPATION is better than REALISATION.

Listen to this song and think........ what is the price I am paying to get what I want? and is it really that worthy of getting it?

Work on these belief systems and come out with few of your owns, till I write again more on this……..


monali said...

This is one of the best piece of writings i've ever come across! i feel so, also because of it's relevance in my life right now. :-) How true!

How can anything, any person, disease, vikara, jewellery be mine???
I read somewhere that the mind registers 60000 to 2.5 million impressions every second! So what is mine right now, is only the 1/2.5 millionth second that i'm living right now. Neither my past, nor my future, neither the people in my life, nor my own body, neither my possessions nor their worth.
What is mine, is this moment of 'being-ness'and nothing else!
P.S.- Couldn't open the youtube link!

mohan said...

In other words is it Illusion....?

Its all MAYA.