Wednesday, March 17, 2010

To sum up let’s look at some the belief systems that we need to work on!

A. “Everything that I like or admire should be possessed or owned by me.”

B. “So, I should only look and never want to own, right?”

C. “More the cost, more happiness it gives.”

D. “I need every gadget available in the market to be happy”.

These are just the leads. Look within and outside to find out other belief systems that we need to work on. “

Belief systems are fine but my basic problem is not yet solved.” How and where do I get satisfaction, love, peace and happiness (if not bliss)?

The answer as you always know is “LOOK WITHIN!”

So the next question is “if everything is within, then how come I see only darkness inside and I never experience satisfaction, love, peace and happiness ever or most of the time in my life.”

Question actually has two questions wrapped in it –

1.What is the cause of darkness within me?
2.Why I am not experiencing satisfaction, love, peace and happiness?

The darkness within is because of the ‘vikaras’ that we have developed and held on to – may be since janmas (births). ‘Vikaras’ are negativities such as:-
7.Laziness, etc.

Now the question is, why they are called 'vikaras'?

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