Thursday, March 4, 2010

Since a couple of months, I have been posting one liners or questions. They were not statements to be agreed or disagreed upon, but techniques which could be implemented to realise self. Or in other words, drop the acquired self - ego.

The journey through this maze called mind by itself is fulfilling, enjoyable and fascinating even far ahead of the time of reaching the destination which is self realisation.

The link to the song which relates to this idea is given below:

The song says it all -

"It's a long journey ahead. But, we should know where we are going. Actually we don't even know where and what our destination is. Hence, the tiredness, pain and frustation during the journey. As long as we don't know where to go, it doesn't matter how long we go, we still end up going nowhere. If we give in to our senses, we'll ewnd up going everywhere and yet nowhere in particular.

So, let's start the journey the right way and at the right place.......

Till I write again, think - think of the journey, the purpose, the way, the reason, the goal..........and all connected to it................

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