Sunday, March 7, 2010

We, like this woman have lost bliss, happiness, peace, love and completeness and contentment within us and are searching for it in the outside world.

Just as a firefly that drunk of sense organ (called eyes) gets attracted to the light, gets burnt and dies, we too get attracted to the items displayed under heavy lighting and burn everyday in the fire called jealousness, frustration, anger, etc.

We are lost because we are searching in the wrong place and that’s why in spite of working hard throughout our lives, we end up being frustrated, lost, dejected, unhappy etc.

Then how do we get there?
The search starts from within.

First, by accepting that, everything is within.

“Only you are responsible for your happiness.”

Contemplate on this statement every moment.

Practice pranayam at least 15 minute daily.

Meditate at least for 15 minutes daily.

Do re-birth with ‘confusion’, ‘lack of clarity’, ‘ignorance’.

Fine, then I can get bliss, peace and love when I turn my back to this world and its articles. Right?

Think on these issues till I write further more on this topic………….

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