Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Oh, God! I am confused. Tell me exactly, why these ‘normal human feelings’ are termed as ‘vikaras’ or ‘negativities?’

Fine. Soul longs to express it’s absolute Nature of Being Love, Purity, Divine, Blissful and peace. But, it is not able to do the same because of our negativities like anger, jeolousiness, pain, guilt, laziness etc. for eg: if I want to look beautiful, a small pimple can take away my chance of looking Beautiful. In the same way, to be divine is not possible with qualities of lust, anger, laziness, fear, worry etc., in us.

Just as if I want ‘light’ I can’t let ‘darkness’ too to be present. If I want to be ‘rich’, I can’t let ‘poverty’ be my surname. Likewise, to be happy, love, complete and peace these qualities – normal human qualities like fear, worry, hatred etc are impediments. So, they are called as ‘vikruti’ – hence ‘vikaras’- Qualities that make us ugly and incomplete. On the other hand, qualities of Love, Peace, Bliss, Contentment, Divinity are called ‘Prakriti’ or our ‘Nature’.

Okay, fine. I understand that it is not all that clear. Let’s try to understand the same from the different angle.

Let us understand what these ‘vikaras’ do to us and how and why we experience them in the first place. We’ll also see the effects of these ‘negativities in our life. We’ll then decide whether to have them or discard them. But, for that we need to look forward till the next post….

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