Monday, March 15, 2010


C. More the cost, more happiness it gives.
No. Any costly item can give at the most ‘more comfort’ than the less costly one but never happiness because of the price.

For example: expensive vehicle has better machine and comforts than a low end one. So, too with the appliances that ease labour but they cannot give happiness. It’s scientifically proven that, on the contrary, these gadgets are responsible for many ailments what with restricted body movements and less exercise there by to our body.

Take any item for that matter.
A.C (air conditioner) for example:
1. It increases the electricity bill.
2. It is the cause for global warming.
3. We are tampering with the body’s ability to adjust with the climate there by becoming more sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

I am not denying that the comfort of A.C betters our performance. What I am trying to say is man created machines to use them and to ease his life but somewhere down the line he is become a slave to machines.


Money can buy:

1.People, but not friendship and respect.
2.Bed but not sleep.
3.Medicines but not health
4.House but not home
5.People but not LOVE.
6.Expensive watch but not time.

And actual happiness depends only on LOVE, health, sleep and PEOPLE in our lives…….

Isn’t it funny that we lose our health going behind wealth and then lose all our wealth to gain health……?


1 comment:

suvarchala said...

well everything said than done is simply beautiful and very cool too.Inspite of knowing that yeah we yet to loose our health behind wealth,we can't resist ourselves to work hard.we have to else we ll be put behind in the rat race.ofcourse its funny that this sort happens.But as said Majboori ka naam Mahatma Gandhi is what we think and get along.All have a very different life style and they go accordingly.Inspite of knowing all these 6 imp issues for life,there s always a BUT..........
I wish one and all a very happy VIKRUTHI NAAMA SUBHAKANKSHALU.