Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Paradigm Shift!


A young lady was waiting for her flight in the boarding room of a Hyderabad airport.
As she had to wait for an hour, she decided to buy a book and to spend her time reading. She also brought a packet of biscuits.

She sat down on an armchair and started reading her book. Beside the armchair was a packet of biscuits. A man sat down in the next chair, opened a magazine and started reading.

When, she ate the first biscuit, the man took one too! She felt very angry but didn’t say a word. She just thought, “What a nerve! No manners for this fellow at all.”

For every biscuit she ate, she found the man reading one. She was burning with anger but didn’t react. When only one biscuit was left, she thought, “ah…what will this man do now?”

The man looked at her, smiled and divided the last biscuit through the middle and gave her one half! This was it! She just caught her book, took her things and headed to the boarding place.

When she sat down on her seat inside the plane, she opened her purse to put her eyeglasses. To her surprise, she found her packet of biscuits unopened and untouched.

Now, she understood. All the while that man was actually sharing his biscuits without remorse, anger or hurt and that she was the wrong one. But, there was no chance to apologize or explain now!

Because she assumed that the man was eating her biscuits, she was angry all through. When she realized the Truth, she had high regard for the same man. This is called as “Paradigm Shift”. Tolerating someone is not Paradigm Shift.

I am used to seeing and understanding people with the tainted glasses called ‘past experiences’ and ‘past psychic impressions’. So, I am not able to see ‘clearly’. But, when I see the moment for what it has to offer without the past psychic impression coming to the forte, then I am actually seeing what is. I am not seeing people and situations for what they ought to be, or what they ought not to be. I see them for what they are. This shift is called as ‘paradigm shift’.

In the similar fashion, when I understand my own fears and ignorance and the game my mind plays, I’ll see people for what they are – not as what they are not or not as what should be as. I see them for just what they are and like them for themselves!

Not clear….forget it…..will deal in detail later……..

Till then, be aware of your thoughts, feelings – just be aware! To know thyself you need to know your mind……….

Till you follow your mind, let me go to follow mine


padmaja said...

wherever we go,
whatever we do,
self is the soul subject we study and learn.

padmaja said...

little by little,through practice and repeated effort,the mind will become stilled in the SELF.

padmaja said...

Life is also like this. Life is like a seed; its potential is latent, hidden within it. Only the man who
realizes this potential can become the master of his inner being.Each of us has the opportunity to grow. And reaching the greatest level of attainment possible, reaching the highest peak there is, is becoming real.

C Manjussha said...

I would like to share a small story with you all today it is in line with what Mam is telling us. It isn’t no disgrace for a man to fall, but to lie there and grunt is.

Once upon a time Nasrudin and his master went hunting in the forest. The master cut his thumb while shooting his bow and arrow because he held
it incorrectly. Nasrudin stopped the bleeding andbandaged the deep wound as his master moaned in pain.
In an attempt to console his master, Nasrudin said."Sir, there are no mistakes, only lessons, and we can learn from them if we're willing."

The master became enraged. "How dare you lecture me!" he barked. And with that he threw Nasrudin into a deserted well and continued on without his devoted servant.

A little further on, a group of forest people captured the master and took him to their chief for human sacrifice. The fire was roasting hot, and the master was about to be thrown into it when the chief noticed
his bandaged thumb and set him free. It was a rule that all sacrificial victims had to be perfect specimens. Realizing how right Nasrudin had been, the master rushed back to the well to rescue his faithful servant. Acknowledging his unjust actions, the master
pulled Nasrudin out and asked him to forgive him for the terrible mistake.

Nasrudin assured him that he had not made a mistake at all. On the contrary, he insisted that there was another lesson concealed here. Nasrudin told his master that he had done Nasrudin a great service by throwing him into the well. He thanked his master for saving his life explaining that if he had continued with him into the forest, the forest people would have taken him for sacrifice and surely he would had died.

"You see," Nasrudin ventured, "there are no mistakes, only lessons to learn. What we call our mistakes can be blessings in disguise, if we're willing to learn from them." This time the master smiled and nodded in agreement.

Now its upto us to discard our past beliefs and past phychic impression and be open to experiences. As for me its is changing.....

C Manjussha said...

The most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or touched,they can only be felt with the heart

Swati said...


Have completed reading the April month, next I am reading may 2009.
Trying to be aware of things that doesn't lead to physic impressions especially in relationships

Swati said...

Thank you for sharing the link. It helps us to rethink and re align the thought process.
These reminders are so necessary till it fits in our system.