Sunday, November 6, 2022

Milestones of posts - 2022 - yet again!


Milestones of posts - 2022 - yet again!

To sum up all your understandings and the teachings of this incident : 

  • However close we may be to the cross line, things can go way different from the way we planned it to go or the way we desired it to go. 
  • We can sit to cry, complain and find a scapegoat on whom we can dump our frustrations and anger OR we can simply move ahead towards our goal improvising on the way we are working and on the way we had planned to execute our work...
  • Only working towards our goal - prayatna and purusharth (trying and doing one's duty) are within our control...results are not. No point being obsessed about the outcome. Keep marching ahead, keep working and keep up the morale....
  • Milestones, targets, desires are just lampposts that light our path. They help us concentrate and to know where to channel our energies. They by themselves don't mean much. It's our intention, hardwork, sincerity - in short our attitudes that we exhibit in this path that is important. What we do to walk towards our goal, how we conduct ourselves when we are walking towards our goal these are more important than the goal by itself!!!
  • Set your heart only on  your work and NEVER on the goal. Don't lose heart worrying and being disappointed about the goal or fulfillment of desire. Keep the morale of your heart high, infuse it with enthusiasm, hope, vigour and keep marching ahead with zest and confidence....badhe chalo, badhe chalo.... 
Do care to share other points if any.....

1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

WOW & Congrats on the Milestones...😊💐🌻 Always nice to reach our milestones - it's the journey's reward... the journey's celebration 🙏🥳💖
When we are committed heart and soul to make the effort, the Universe conspires to make it happen... sometimes we might miss a milestone.. yet it will not take away the joy of the travelling the journey.. we still wud hv learnt a few valuable lessons and be that much wiser.. The journey is not separate from the goal... Being process focused or journey focused helps us live the journey moment to moment.. it's what makes it a true learning thru real experience... & when we hv given our best shot, irrespective of the result we still grow...
Love & Gratitude ❤️ 🙏