Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Mystic says! - Real gift!

The Mystic says! - Real gift!

The mystic says "Time is priceless. Once past, it can't be regained by anyone. It is precious beyond words and understanding. And that precious a gift if someone spends on you, understand it, appreciate it, value it, validate it and savour it.....

Fool is one who values all that can be purchased and thinks less of "The most precious which can't be purchased - Time" as useless and irrelevant....

Wise is one who sees it and respects, loves, regards and is grateful towards one who spends his time one him....."

Think about it!!!

# time and tide wait for none, most precious in the world, real love, real giving, most valuable of all gifts,  on gifts, on love, relationships, moments of life, life,

read suggested : found quite a few on this subject too and I found all of them relevant to this thought, so am giving the entire link....read as much as you can and give feedback on your take...https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=time 

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