Thursday, November 24, 2022

Reflections – on seeing His ways!


Reflections – on seeing His ways!

We can gauge the same incident two ways:

a. By understanding His Miraculous ways of operation – This would increase our faith, trust and confidence and commitment in sadhan. He is loved, appreciated, trusted and worshipped then! My worries would be gone and so would my suffering. Smile would play on my lips and my feet would be light on the ground. My while being would relax. More number of times this happens, greater would be my ‘joy factor’.

b. I would end up asking cynical and taunting questions like “but why is He using me to help others? Why doesn’t He send anyone to help me? I am the one always used by my family and office. But I am all alone – without any support of both. I end up doing everyone’s job. Where is Reiki and God there? Why doesn’t He send someone for me? I hate God for being partial towards others and using me to help them!” etc etc etc….

Option b. reflects lower level of consciousness in us. It expresses itself as anger, complaints, self-pity, taunts, frustrations, hatred, fault-finds, demands and expressions of entitlement. Scores of other feelings and emotions may surface too!


# on God, on ways of God, miracles, help coming from various sources, being aware, validation, gratitude, 

also read suggested : 

Points to take from this post:

To a bhaktha/devotee/believer everything is a miracle. He sees his aradhya (dear) everywhere and in every act around him. And in that state of operating his life, lies his strength, faith and peace.

Everyone can work through that state if only one wants to!

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