Friday, November 11, 2022

Me, My Guru - on including sadhan in daily routine



Me, My Guru - on including sadhan in daily routine

Now I understood why Rahul and others were healed more. I understood the secret of their cheerfulness and calmness. They lacked many fears that I had. Their simple act of participating in various duties and responsibilities of our Guru’s place made this difference. I understood all this and yet….I found it difficult to clean this place. I couldn’t bring myself to contribute anything to eat for the class. I counted the money spent on them. I found it difficult to pay for ‘right’.  I was jealous of her earnings sometimes. And other times, I argued she was spiritual and didn’t need money. Or I even had logic that said “well, others gave her enough, I didn’t have enough for myself’. Various such arguments of my logic stopped me from giving to her.

It was giving right that reflected on our confidence, fear, self-esteem, self-worth and so on….for now I was still struggling with my inner demons and they won again!



# me my guru, divine qualities, character, attitudes, selfishness, selflessness, daily routine of life, sadhan, including sadhan in daily routine of life, life is to develop qualities and overcome weaknesses, human weaknesses, sins and character, 

also read suggested : 

Points to ponder :

A fool carries on thinking he is right! And then he sinks in mid-sea. Then he curses sea!

Wise is he knows to shorten his sails.....

Greater fool is one who follows another fool requesting him to guide him. Greater is his calamity for following such a fool who is clever enough to disguise his foolishness and cunningness.....

Understanding the post :

Now I understood why Rahul and others were healed more. I understood the secret of their cheerfulness and calmness. They lacked many fears that I had. Their simple act of participating in various duties and responsibilities of our Guru’s place made this difference. I understood all this and yet…." - Many times we do understand the sentence, story or an example by word. But you haven't understood its need, essence if you haven't understood the urgency to apply it in your life. You remain 'as ignorant' as you were 'before understanding' - even though you SAY  you have understood now!!!

If there is "but maam,...." then you need to have a long fight with your ego...don't sit to fool me or argue with me. Don't try to sell your logic and reason to me. Sit for a while and look within. Look at your logic. Look at your reason. 

The day you become honest with  yourself, your half the battle is won already! and that my dear, by itself is a long haul!!!

"It was giving right that reflected on our confidence, fear, self-esteem, self-worth and so on….for now I was still struggling with my inner demons and they won again!" - Unless you win over your weaknesses, no one in the world and above can remove that fear, low self-esteem, low confidence, self hate from you. You have to develop and express qualities that expresses selflessness, honesty, gratitude (in action not just a lip service), being truthful, responsible, disciplined and such related ones. Only then, only then would you love and respect yourself. Not until then.....

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank u very much for the post this post has answered my thoughts and given me a solution for one issue That was long pending