Friday, November 4, 2022

Reflections - on Eureka moments!


Reflections - on Eureka moments!

One day I was cleaning dishes. It was quite a pile – festival season and all! I didn’t clean all the utensils in one go. I scrubbed some and then rinsed them. Again I scrubbed the next log and rinsed them. This way, I seemed to enjoy the task. I didn’t feel the burden of the task. I could do the ‘big pile’ effortlessly.

According to some study are 218 ways of washing dishes. So, let’s not start a competition here as to what is the best way or who does it right or well…

It means that we can break our everyday tasks into small bits and attend to them. Then it makes it easy to do them. It is not even strenuous that way. We end up completing lots of work this way – actually.

Try it…

For eg:

1.If the pile of clothes is huge or when cleaning the almirah,

a.first segregate clothes as per their type – say shirt, pant, sarees, towels etc

b.then just fold certain type of clothes first – say shirts etc. then place them in the cupboard. Then do for the next type etc.

c.before long you would’ve completed the task and the mental drain is also avoided when done this way.


# Eureka moments, understanding, effortless moments of enlightenment, mundane routine and their benefits, being in the moment, uncluttering , destress, on finding solutions,

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