Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Reflections – on repairing sofa



Reflections – on repairing sofa

Our Reiki channel of course was totally and blissfully unaware of their expression and its meaning.   

I on the other hand was purely amused with this incident. To me our channel operated purely out of ‘identification with his colony and area’. He gave one more valid reason though “I do Reiki before starting any work and I flow with the feel afterwards”.  

Fair enough! Though he was operating on those simple lines the benefit was huge. Let’s look at this scenario from other angles too. Let’s assume he had checked with few others too. He may have saved couple of hundreds there maybe?!? That’s a valid possibility. When we look into these things, we look at only ‘money part’. We are so obsessed about the seen ‘money’ that we overlook the ‘intangible benefits’ and collateral damage in the entire process. As these things are not ‘counted’ or ‘countable’ we don’t know to value things and situations right! This way we suffer inspire of having made ‘right calculated’ profits. Let’s look into facts to understand the same.

a.    He had given the contract to someone else. He stays far. That way he would charge high for conveyance. The money saved over repair would be more or less lost in transit money. ‘Penny saved is penny earned’.

b.    Here, he would just check on the shop as he goes for the walk. But for any other shop it would mean to ‘make a call’. We don’t count ‘pennies’ there, right?

c.     Don’t forget that! You all know that using phones generate harmful waves and that impacts our atmosphere and environment. Who bears the brunt? Phone has become a necessary evil. But can’t we reduce it’s use to some extent? We can by making such small changes in our life and life-style.

Karmically, this makes an impact on our ‘social karma’. By being conscious of the same, we can decrease ‘the quote’ of this karma being generated to a large extent.

d.   What about the vehicular pollution generated due to commuting sofa to a far off center? That is reduced in tote here. That way also his decision made an impact over air pollution. We all complain and suffer about air pollution. When it comes to doing anything about it, we put the same on ‘Government’s shoulders’?! Why?

Don’t forget ‘precious time’ wasted over long discussions with people to know about ‘good sofa repair person’. We also lose on our energy in all this useless activity. “Energy saved is energy available to put it to good sue elsewhere”!!!He also saved time and that he put to good use in ‘doing sadhan’ and ‘relaxing’. Both ‘priceless’ as many have dearth of time! His time and energy put to good use he benefitted physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally and not to forget karmically!

f.      And that my dear, is the way to strike a ‘good deal’.


# on dealing with day to day issues, little differences, stress on little nothings of life, looking at big picture, making life stress free, on calculating right, using mind the right way, 

Also suggested reading : 

Points to ponder :

  • Is there stress in life or choosing it over and over again for ourselves?
  • Is our worry for future reflection of we wanting to reach the future now? Think about it!
What are the points that caught your attention?
What did you relate with?

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