Friday, February 26, 2021

On mind


On mind

You are successful or you are a failure – both are the results of your mind.

You are a devil or God incarnate – both the outcome of your mind.

You are sad, desperate, lonely, depressed or you are happy, joyful, surrounded by people who love and respect you – both reflect how you have trained your mind.

You HAVE A mind. You are given a mind. You are given mind so that you can discipline it and make it your genie and work out all the miracles of and in your life.

But sad is his life who is slave to his mind. Anger rests in the mind that is the master of the man. Hatred and desperation for fulfillment of desires is the state of mind that is gone mad.

But the good news is that mind however reckless, useless, devilish it be, it can be trained and brought under the control of the man. And the simplest of all techniques is Meditation.

There are ample reiki techniques to train the mind.

Use them all regularly and become master of your mind.

Use it to achieve all that you dream of.

Use it to be happy, successful and rich in life.

Stop being slave to your mind and its desires.

Rise up, get up and free of your limitations.

Achieve and BE what you are capable of! 

Remember, your outer world is the reflection of your inner world. Heal your inner world and your outer world will change for better. Don't expect miracles to happen in a week or so. It will take time. Have patience and be in sadhan.

# mind, freedom, spirit, spirituality, vedic philosophy, Swami Vivekananda

also read : 

Points to sit and think about :

Meditation - what it means and why is it so important especially when a person is so 'proud' of his 'thinking ability'.

Meditate - are you using all your mind's logical ability to argue against it or using your desire to win over your fear, loneliness, sadness and depression?

Meditate - be courageous enough to know self. Be courageous enough to face the truth about your real self. Only one who is courageous enough can actually sit and meditate. One who is addicted to pain, anger, hatred and depression will find umpteen reasons to sit and cry. He will find reasons to run away from meditation. He will not meditate. Leave him alone. 

YOU meditate and be free of your pain. You become free from your circumstances. 

Time you make your mind your friend.

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