Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Me, My Guru – Indra and I


Me, My Guru – Indra and I

Guru understood. He saw ‘where’ it all went wrong” our Guru stopped and looked at us and asked “Now you tell me what his Guru understood!”

“We don’t see anything going wrong” replied most of us.

Some though replied differently. That was eye-opener to us.

“Just to save a simple dhoti, Manda went from one possession to another. He wandered away from ‘his main purpose’ – to meditate.

“How can earning money, becoming rich or raising a family be considered wrong?” asked one of us.

“Because, he is not supposed to do that!” came the reply.

The argument went this way for quite some time.

She asked “If you send your child to school and he ends up playing en route with his friends, what would you say? If he does it daily, would you let him?”

“Certainly not Guruji! How can we? We’ll bash him up” we replied.

“But child playing with his friends is right. Where is he wrong? Why are you angry and punishing him” she asked with a smile.

We got it. She was comparing child bunking school with our way of leading life. But, how can that be same?

“But Guruji, how can both be same? Child’s future is dependent on his education. His playing daily would mean he’ll end up as a way ward or useless fellow. We are sending him to school for his bright future. But, in Manda’s case he was leading a normal life like us. Where was he wrong? In fact, his Guru should be proud of him and his abundance” we replied. 


# My, my Guru, Indra and I, purpose of life, right and wrong, on following orders, on breaking rules, 

also read : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Rules+and+regulations+for+a+Master 

Healing tip : 

  • There are two types of mentalities that come here. 
  • One who come with a belief that they are 'already right and correct'. They will come to defend every question posed. They will argue to prove their stand right. And when they fail to prove their point, get angry and throw it on the writer, reiki or God.
  • The second type are those who have arrived at an understanding that they had been wrong with their way of understanding. They have seen and accepted that whenever and wherever they had accepted this fact and applied the 'newer and right way of thinking' and healing technique to support that, they have not only come out of their problem but also have been benefited with more than one material gain. 
  • The second type are the people who would meditate the moment it is reminded to them. They will sit to meditate and go within the moment it is pointed out. They have even come to a position that they sit in meditation on their own when they face an issue to find the solution. And then they address the understanding with the reiki technique that they are taught. These are the people who are building on their trust.
  • These are the people who are working on themselves.
  • These are the people who are letting go of their 'parts of ego' to gain a better perspective, better understanding and clearer vision.
  • These are the people who have gained more friends, recognition in their circle, growth in their career. 
  • They have learnt to walk the path shown to them.
Which one are you?

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

This post has taken me back to sadhan thank u very much each question is thought provoking