Thursday, February 18, 2021

Me, My Guru – Indra and I



Me, My Guru – Indra and I 

We saw her line of argument and yet some of us didn’t find Manda’s action wrong. But, that was not going to be so for long!

After a long pause, she resumed her explanation “When it is with anger, jealousy, stealing, extra-marital affair we know it to be wrong at face value. But, it is with ‘accepted normal’ that it is difficult to see the wrong.

But, to see the wrong in the ‘right’ is very difficult even for the very wise. Many a slips happen in this road much often than not! In the child’s case, playing is not wrong. Again, is it ethically, legally, socially, physically wrong? No. it is not wrong on any of these grounds. And yet it is WRONG! The harm is not even seen by the child because, it is not immediate. But, a grownup knows how life of that kid would be if he grows without any education and means to support himself when he grows up. He would be devastated and his life would be a mess. He would long for simple joys and comforts of life. Few hours of playing plays havoc on his entire adult life. He curses every adult who didn’t correct him then. He would blame adults for letting him play without a sense of responsibility.

So, what’s right or Dharma of an adult here? To let him play or keep sending him from one class to another? Both are wrong!

The middle path is the right one”

Here some of us had these questions but she was answering even without us asking her. Few of us were ‘strict’ parents who would send children to school and then to tuition class. We joined them in karate, maths, abacus and what not. We didn’t let child have any energy left at the end of the day for play. We, as parents felt we were doing all this for his welfare. How stupid was our understanding!

The other set didn’t bother much. We had our excuses – office work, our health, spouse or family not co-operative etc etc. The result – the child ended up playing all and sundry games not bothered about school and its activities. Result – the kid scraped through all the exams. These were the kids that ended up doing all and sundry businesses to earn money.

Both were bad. Results in both ended up harming the kid one way or the other. And here she was giving us the mid-path! 


also read : 

Are you still with covid challenge?

Those who are not - don't give excuses for it.

Take time to sit and meditate. Look within. Find out the reason for not keeping up with this challenge.

Look and know your real reason for not bothered about your health and in its maintenance.

Will give you a situation to throw light on mindset -

Someone dear to you is serious and may be in hospital too. You want that person to survive first and then get well soon. 

Now imagine that person to be you. What would be your resolution in hospital?

But are you sticking up with that resolution? The pain you felt, the fear you experienced when you or the one close to you was in hospital you have conveniently forgotten - Till next time. And then the story continues. What have you learned from that incident?

Why can't that learning be changing you to inculcate right way of living and eating?

Who is stopping you from being healthy?

This is in your hands and yet......

and you are complaining about things which are made bad by others in your life as the source of pain and suffering? 

Are you atleast in control of things that are in your control?

If not, how can you 'demand' others to fit in your bill?

think and think straight!

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