Saturday, February 27, 2021

God and devil


God and Devil

The difference between God and the devil is in nothing except in unselfishness and selfishness.

Choose the nature and develop it with repeated practice.

That nature as it grows will also help the Godliness or the Devil in you to grow.

And before long, you become either of them.

Your choice is the first step.

And the one thing that stops you from making your right choice is 'your mind' - the logical and analytical mind that gives 'senseless reasoning' to choose what is painful for you.

Beware of your mind.

Beware of its arguments.

Beware of your choice.

Sit in meditation to know your mind and its games. Then sit and heal those of areas that are harmful for your wellness.

Be good to yourself.

also read :


Supriya said...

I want to share some lessons I learned in this healing journey, that are leading me towards peace. All credit goes to my guru and reiki. Some of the lessons learnt and abilities that I am developing are as follows:
1. I am not running away from issues. I am able to look past it.
2. I am not asking for no pain, but am asking for a way to overcome it. Also, I am using it to make me stronger.
3. I am able to take responsibility and work towards meeting my goals, even though it is sometimes hard and the chances of finding a solution is either thin or very tricky. I have the faith that I will get through it.
4. I am able to appreciate all the help I receive from everyone during this process and am able to acknowledge it openly.
5. Whenever I feel low I am able to go within and with the techniques my guru taught me I am able to connect to the supreme wisdom.
6. I am able to unleash my true potential and am able to be of use to people around me. This ‘use’ is not defined by me, but is defined by their need and is clear after I have been able to bring relief to them.

Cannot thank my guru and reiki enough for helping me find the right path forward!

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the wonderful experience of today .