Sunday, February 21, 2021

Me, My Guru – Indra and I



Me, My Guru – Indra and I

Wow! Where did the story stop and where did it bring us? if we had read this story on our own we certainly wouldn’t have come to this understanding and conclusions. But, she being she…well….

I was still collecting my thoughts that she continued the story from where she stopped “Guru realized where the mistake was and he tried explaining to the Shishya. But Manda like you enlightened beings decided not to understand anything that his Guru had to explain or offer. He was happy with his life and he didn’t want to hear anything to disturb ‘that line of thought’*

*(How egoistic are we even in what we wish to receive by way of teaching, counseling and preaching? We want the ‘teacher’ also to tell ONLY what we want to hear – not what is ‘right’ and ‘good’ for us!?)

Having nothing much to do Guru** left him for good. Manda continued with his life.

**(Guru is not one who is your genii waiting to make your unreasonable wishes also to come true.

He is one who shows you yourself, your purpose, your flaws and slips, your strengths and techniques to work towards goal of your life)

Cursed is the student who pushes away a Guru who is ever alert to whistle even at his slightest slip. And blessed is the student who has such a person to guide him in his life.

But Manda thought otherwise and bid his Guru goodbye. Few years passed. 


# child rearing, way of bringing up children, the middle path, right and wrong, dharma, karma, 

also read suggested : 

points stressed :

Universe and Reiki are giving us answers to our every question the moment we ask it. It is we who are not 'listening'.

We are not 'listening' to the answer given. This is because we are adamant even when we seek answers. We want it in a certain way and in certain format ONLY. 

Our adamant nature then reflects in the situation that we are complaining about. Our this adamant nature is the cause of our suffering too. And yet we don't want to accept it, heal it or address it.

Remember every time you had an issue in the past how you addressed it with reiki and its techniques. Do the same this time also. Don't use logic or try to analyse the situation or the persons involved. Just heal. 

Fall back on your experience. Don't let your mind play games with you. Don't accept its logic.

Heal. Use this situation and pain to become more stronger person than before. 

You have it in you. 

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