Saturday, February 13, 2021

Me, My Guru – Indra and I


Me, My Guru – Indra and I

Manda took dhoti from him but the villager’s words made a mark on his psyche. What could he do to protect his dhoti? This thought kept him busy for couple of days. One day on his way back from river, he saw a kitten. He immediately saw the solution to his problem. He took the kitten home and was totally relaxed now. Within couple of hrs, the cat started crying out loud for food. Manda out of affection for it went into the village seeking milk for it. He gave the milk thus collected to it. for the sake of milk, he ended up going more than once (which he would go for himself) into the village.

Seeing his plight, the villagers took pity on him and gifted him a cow. This way, he could get milk for himself and the cat and there was ‘no waste of time’ of his in search of food for himself and his cat.

In just few days, he developed affection towards the cow. He felt bad that it was sitting under the tree all day long. He decided to build a shed for it. he went into village seeking wood for the same. Knowing it to be a difficult task to do on his own, few villagers pitched in. in few days, they built a good shed for his cow. It was on one of those days that one of them suggested that he also grow some grass for the cow to graze. Suggestion being genuine, it was taken and implemented by our dear Manda.

Manda started tending the grass, cattle and the cat. He soon found that the milk was much excess than his requirement. He started giving it away and people started paying for the same. 


# My, my Guru, Indra and I, purpose of life, right and wrong, on following orders, on breaking rules, 

also read : to understand the connection between earning material riches and being wealthy. Also understand how our attitudes and character make a difference in us being rich or wealthy....

Points to understand :

Why should I work for things that I don't need?
I have all that need already in my life. Why do I want more?
Why am I going behind my wants?
Does fulfilling my wants fulfill me completely? Can I be so sure of it?
THink about it! Meditate. Take time to look within. Face yourself honestly and be free of your clutter. Be free of your fears. Be free and enjoy the bliss that is rightfully yours.


Supriya said...

Just wanted to share an experience (more like a miracle) from last week. I shield me and my family on a daily basis. Last week my son was about to get run over by a pickup truck in front of my eyes. He turned around just in time and stepped back. The driver also saw him just in time and used his breaks.

Later my son later told me that when he started crossing the road he felt that something was wrong. He heeded to that feeling, turned around and saw the pickup truck. I could not thank reiki enough for guiding and saving my son. Also, reiki saved the driver from getting into the accident and saved the rest of us from witnessing a disaster.

This is not the first time that shielding has protected me and my loved ones. It is such a simple yet effective technique! Thank you ma’am for emphasizing on this technique during the class.

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!


Aarthi said...

Thank u reiki& guru Ji. Supriya garu goosebumps vachayandiii chadutunee....lots of gratitude to reiki. ( kiddo had tat awareness) god bless tat drive too,
Srirama raksha,jagadguru raksha.