Thursday, October 1, 2020

On choosing an enemy!


On choosing an enemy!

Each of us has an option of choosing an enemy. We can choose ‘external enemy’ to fight. They are people in our life and situations of our life. By choosing to fight them we lose either way!

You can chose to fight internal enemy and win – always! 

# enemy, win win situation, perspective, on choices, fights of life, life and its opportunities 

On this post : Happy 304th post - The highest in the year till date in our blog....

The number of posts written and posted every year since year 2009 has been varied and interesting going from as low as 59 in 2012 to 303 in 2016. As rightly pointed out by you today we have created new high (in terms of number of posts per year) is 304. Yes, today's post would be the 304th. 

As I  have said many times, every milestone can be celebrated and cheered by us. We can look back at the milestones with happiness, sense of joy and achievement. We can take pride in our work and the amount of work too! Not because we have outlived, out done someone else. No! That path of comparison would take us towards our hell and all our work is to be aware of all the paths that take us down that road and avoid it by all costs!

Is this my achievement? Yes and no! Yes, because I worked on it and no because it wouldn't have been possible if you didn't read it all along. So, this milestone had been created because of you and me - both doing our part of job joyously and regularly.

Your part was to be participative as a reader - by way of asking questions, sharing opinions, comments and experiences. That was the impetus that drove me to write more. More you said, more I saw where I had to explain better. I used various methods of explaining - some story way, some as examples, some by way of taunt, some even pointing out words and actions that were holding us back - stopping us from making the journey forwards towards our 'own heavens' instead of hell..........

Our fight is not with each other - it is with the Vedic philosophy of the Greatness of Atman versus the 'attitudes' and our mind which are playing their games to the best of their abilities. My job is simply to tell, point and remind you of the way our mind is holding us prisoners of our 'karma' and limiting us to suffering and the life of low lives....

I sit and walk all through the day thinking of ways to present 'The Truth' so that it can be seen, understood, assimilated and then become part of your lives effortlessly......

felt glad when it went down well with you and worked again when it was not received  - once more........

Participation from your end doesn't mean 'praises' only - it is sharing your observations, doubts, experiences, understandings, insights, applications of the techniques, perspectives and way of living and thinking and how they effected you and your lives......these and more are the participation that i look forward to and they keep me motivated and drive me to work more....

may your journey within be as beautiful, joyful, interesting, unburdening, beneficial, heartening and fulfilling as it is for me in writing for that journey ........


1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

Congratulations & Best wishes.. This happy 304th post is a very beautiful milestone...very happy to be part of this amazing journey... learning, sharing & moving forward... Thank you sooo very much
Lots of love & gratitude