Friday, July 17, 2020

Me, My Guru – On broken pots


Me, My Guru – On broken pots

Perfect Imperfection Quotes. QuotesGram

“But, how to water Mil or financial problems?” asked Vinay.

Sufi teacher, philosopher, and poet Rumi said, “The wound is the place  where the Light enters you.”
“Work on them through sadhan and healing. Use various techniques as required to heal the situations. Also heal your emotions that rise with these situations. It can be anything like anger, depression, selfishness, fear or any other one. Just keep healing them. Periodically look at the way your emotions vary. Their intensity and frequency become less and less. And with that your confidence, peace of mind and state of well-being also spikes. Not only that your understanding will better. Now you think you understand. Over time your understanding will be right. It’ll happen in bits and pieces. So, healing has to be done again and again. And these flowers – say of peace, contentment, feeling of security, clarity of thought would bloom” she left having said this.

Left to ourselves we expressed our understanding, questions, doubts and clarified it among ourselves.

Wabi-Sabi: Finding Beauty in Imperfection | Your Happiness Quest
When the time to go home came, we got up half- heartedly. Sometimes, leaving her place became more painful than ever. We wished to hang around little longer than needed. But our lives and clocks gave us no option but to leave. And leave we did!

Today, we weren’t ashamed of our flaws. We weren’t angry with the ‘cracks’ in our lives. We were leaving with the eagerness to water right seeds with the ‘cracks’ in our lives – for once!

Which flowers bloomed in our paths – well, that was for time to tell. For now, we visualized, our paths laid with ‘beautiful flowers’.

Heard the theory of the "cracked pot" from Joyce Meyer......I so love this  ! HE is my potter....I am the clay..… | Bible truth, Clay jar, Small group  bible studies
Rahul said “I liked her answer to Vaishnav’s question “but, why does Reiki/God give these cracks at all in our lives? He can just make it easy for us by making our lives smoother. He must be a sadist to do so!”

“Yes” and she had replied “May be, these cracks are part of God’s divine play to let us work out our lives purpose. Maybe, that’s the way it was meant to be to make our ‘purpose of life’ so beautiful and purposeful in such an effortless way” replied someone.

And that stuck with each one of us as we closed ‘the gate’ behind us!


# cracked pot, leaking pot, flaws and painful situations in life, challenges of life, life, break down situations, you attract situations in life, 

For those who want to know how the 'giver' makes a difference : Read the above given without fail 

Time to ponder :

  • Are you making a ‘flaw in your life’ ‘centre of your existence’ or ‘are you making it an inspiration’ to bring purpose in your life? That decision decides which seeds you are watering.
  • क्या तुम अपने कमियों को अपने ज़िन्दगी का आधार बना रहे हो या फिर प्रेरणा स्तोत्र ? इस के जवाब पे तुम्हारा सुख-दुःख निर्भर करता है। 
  • Is your faith strengthened or questioned? Look at the seeds you are watering.
Question time : 
  • What are the cracks in your life?
  • Which seeds are you watering daily?
  • Watering the seeds happens by way of emotions, feelings, words and thoughts. So where are your thoughts today giving energy?
  • Was there a pain in your life that you turned into your strength?
  • Was there a strength in  your life that you converted into pain?

1 comment:

Supriya said...

This was covered for me during the class, but when it came to practicing it I feared that if I healed those annoying people then they will get what they desire and will always stay close to me and continue annoying / causing pain to me and/or take away my world from me. When I let go of those fears and started healing myself and them, apart from doing emotional healing(many a times without any condition or affirmation, just with a clean mind and heart for all parties involved), I saw that our attitudes towards each other changed, they stopped preying on me, and we had a better understanding with lesser conditions on / expectations from each other. Also, in some cases if they did not change then they moved on to finding others to target and left me alone.

It could have been a big turning point (a big blow) in my life if I had continued with those fears, but thanks to Reiki, my support structure and my guru, I came out of it strong and healed.

My take away lesson: Learn to fill my cup with love and plant the seeds of liberation, so when the cup spills it spills love, and that spilled over love nourishes the seeds of liberation. Always remember, true unconditional love liberates the soul!

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!