Friday, March 23, 2018

On retirement


On retirement

Plan as if you are to live hundred years and live as if today is your last day of your life!
This applies both to your working years and retirement years. While you are working don’t forget to live your life. Never forget to play with your kid. Watch sunsets as many times as possible. Stand and listen to birds sing early in the morning. Take time to call your dear ones regularly. We work to live life comfortably and fully. But if our livelihood becomes the ‘be all of our existence’ and savings the only goal worth working for, then we would be left with fat bank balance and years lost in drudgery. And the pity being that bank balance goes to either some doctor or to some kith and kin who is to blow it off without having to work for it! Think about it! Is it worth it?
So live your life. Don’t live so that others get to blow up your money! Then what do we do? First work is a way to earn your livelihood. Remember that! It is not the purpose of your life. This is the case with majority of people. To the few who know good, their work itself is their passion and purpose of life. They never work and they enjoy their work and hence treat it as play and maybe that’s why they never tire inspite of working for 18-20 hrs/day.

For others, live your life as you also save for your tomorrow. Next important task is to develop a hobby for retirement. Never, I repeat, never ever plan to while away your time sitting idle or doing mundane routine. As you live your days, set aside atleast 10-15mts day/week to think about your passion, talent, expertise or anything that you can put to good use after retirement. It can be as simple as teaching to kids or reading. Fine! Then look for avenues to teach kids after retirement. Join Teach India or any NGO near your place or just walk into any govt. School or orphanage and ask if they need a teacher. You’ll certainly not be insulted – for sure! At the most they may say “we don’t need one now”. You can do all this for free as you would’ve earned enough through the years. Else, charge nominal or go to some play school and earn good money. You can also give tuitions at home. The scope is so much. This is just one suggestion. You chose your area of work and pleasure. Please put your expertise, knowhow to good use. You’ll feel satisfied. Five stars to your self esteem and worthiness.

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