Stories and all! The dog and the
In a certain village lived a holy
priest. He was loved and revered by all and sundry. One could see him go around
the village from early in the morning to late evening curing people, explaining
the word of God and blessing one and all. Everyone felt blessed having him
around in their village.
In the same village was a mad dog.
No one liked it. Everyone put stones at it. It kept barking and moving around
the village on its own. It didn’t bother about anyone.
It was a mad dog. It kept to
But one day for no reason or rhyme
that mad dog bite the priest. They shooed the dog and sent it away after
hurting it with stones, pelts and sticks. The poor priest was taken to the
hospital. Everyone in the village prayed for his recovery and well-being. He
survived and he was brought to the village.
There, they found the dog dead.
From that day, the priest hung his head down always in shame.
All said “Thank God our priest is
safe and that mad dog died”. But the priest knew what happened and he felt
(PS : like always contemplate on these stories and come back with your feedback...)