Sunday, June 1, 2014

Anger and desires


Then, how to reduce our karma and reduce the number of desires that take birth in us? Desires will drive us crazy unless fulfilled as long as we are at the lowest step of spiritual growth.  Then, the best way is to start doing ‘Sadhan’ like Japam, pooja, meditation and most easiest and complete being ‘Doing Reiki’ to fulfill that desire.  What is the difference? If the person is in regular sadhan – even if it be for the fulfillment of his desires – over the period of time, the intensity of his desires becomes weak – don’t worry, you’ll not become detached over-night – it takes janmas for that to happen – but to let it happen say after 10-50 janmas also you should be going to divine seeking fulfillment of your desire from now onwards.  Well, what happens afterwards is a separate story and we’ll discuss it sometime later –if need be!

Let’s see the various forms and types of desires first!  There are many fine shades of difference among desires, which are variously termed in Sanskrit as Vasana, Preeti, Ichcha and Trsna etc…

Vasana is a subtle and unmanifest form of desire, proceeding from likes and dislikes for the preservation of all that is dear, viz, one’s body, wife, progeny, wealth, honour and prestige etc., and for the destruction of all that is repulsive. From the desire to preserve that is dear to us stems likes and dislikes which in turn decide our emotions and our relationships accordingly. 

They only are responsible for us to take decisions and to act upon them.  Since they are based on our ‘desires’ which stems from ‘vasana’ the decisions taken cannot be ‘right’ and the energy that we generate while doing so are that of fear, anger and pain.  Can the result of such an act give you peace at any point of time? Is it possible?  Remember the Golden Rule of Universe ‘Karma is receiving back the energy that you have generated’.  By this rule we will end up receiving only situations and people who generate fear, anger and pain in us and in our life! 


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