Monday, June 2, 2014

Anger and desire


The next stage is represented by ‘Preeti’ or the feeling of want or indispensability in respect to an agreeable object, arising from a consciousness of its absence.  This feeling of ‘want’ represents a more developed form of desire. Here we develop anger towards one and all - whom we think are responsible for keeping the object of our desire away from us!  Their every act we see and understand as being selfish and manipulative because we think they are out to oust the object of our desire from our life! This anger slowly gives way to hatred and repulsion towards these people though these people are most of the times our near and dear ones.  We forget how we can connected to them.  We forget our relationship with them.  Only thing that we remember is that they are responsible to keep us away from the object of our desire! Hence, the aversion and negativity for such of people in our life……..

Here in such cases, we are not even able to see the other’s point of view and the reason for their acts and words.  Many times, it stems out of the affection or ‘attachment’ they have for us.  For eg: my parent /siblings may behave with me very harshly or in a very mean way because they don’t want me to get married to a person of my choice.  Many times, this comes out of their belief (may be irrational or prejudicial) but still a belief that I will not be happy being married to the person of my choice.  The same can be true in case of my stand towards my life’s any decisions or my life style and choice of my habits and attitudes! But, I’ll not be able to see their concern and affection behind their mean acts!  Because for me they are obstruction that is stopping me from being with the object of my desire – here my partner!


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