Sunday, June 8, 2014

anger and desire


After years of intense penance, Lord Vishnu stood before him and granted him a boon but the boy now asked to be remembered as a bhaktha of the Lord for all time to come! He understood the redundancy of wanting the position in his father’s lap and instead sought the most coveted position of being with the Lord for ages to come! Is desire good or bad? How you handle your desire makes it good or bad! The procedure you use to fulfill it brings about your downfall or your growth! And that can be decided by you and you alone!

So all I can say is choose wisely and act wisely….if you are not able to do so….then it means ‘I am to heal myself even to understand what I want, why I want and how I want? In the first place whether I want or not!......

And I come back to my favourite line “Sadhan, sadhan and more sadhan” only can give one that clarity, confidence, bring one out of depression, strenght to face the situation with right perspective and balance of mind to see the situation in the right light and the stability of mind to walk the right path……….

So, heal more, smile more and live more…………

My blessings to all for the same………

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