Friday, June 6, 2014

anger and desire


Ravana’s desire for Sita even after having won over Devas and having harem is one such case! No one could make him see reason! And this desire brought his downfall! And you ask, what’s wrong in having desire!

Napolean, Hitler or any historical character who went on to wage wars only to satisfy his desire to be the king of the world only brought about the downfall of his country and himself.  They left behind only bloodshed in the pages of history that can never be wiped away by the good of all his/their countrymen put together even after ages to come! One man’s uncontrolled obsession or unquencheble thirst can only be born out of ‘Adharma’ and the consequences can never be right or good!

Now, what to do with our desires and how to meet them or fulfill them the right way?  As a reiki channel, we are extra lucky. We are equipped with the techniques to fulfill our desires (when I say desire, I mean only such of desire that gives me happiness and in no way is harmful to others).  We need to do intention healing till our desires are fulfilled or that time till we get clarity of thought as to what we wish to do with our desire.

Next, we need to do hands-on and re-birth meditation (preferably with anger, depression and such of feelings that we experience at such times) so that we stay calm and don’t put negative feelings on the path of fulfillment of our desires! Other techniques available are pooja, japam and meditation which are explained already in the class and which need to be done if necessary (these are optional and already explained in the class and if you have forgotten don’t call me! – just forget it and stick to doing reiki).


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