Wednesday, June 4, 2014

anger and desire


Secondly, in future even after the acceptance of the proposal, the bitterness stays for years to come and that means I have gained my approval at the cost of the relationship which was part of my growing years or a relationship that I need to live with for the rest of my life!

Though, I am explaining all this with a case study of ‘marriage proposal not going right’ I request you to apply it to every situation where your desire is not approved by the people in your life….explaination is same for all!

Desire for the possession of an agreeable object which is lacking and for the destruction of that which is disagreeable when manifest takes the form of ‘wish’ or ‘Ichcha’.  This represents the fully developed form of desire.

Hiranyakashyap (from Bhagavatam) is a classic example of this form of desire.  His ‘Ichcha’ was that no one should worship Lord Vishnu and that everyone should give him the place of the God and worship him and him alone!  When his one and only son Prahlada didn’t obey his rule and sang praises of Lord Vishnu, his ‘Ichcha’ blinded him and ordered Prahlada to be killed…..and what dangerous and inhuman way of killing one’s own son….and for the supposed sin that he had committed….any father would feel proud of such a son – but not Hiranyakashyap! He considered Prahlada as his enemy and also as a curse from above for being a devotee of Lord Vishnu! Prahlada never for once was afraid, angry or even scornful of his unjust, mean and vengeful father. Hiranyakashyap considered him as his enemy but to Prahlada no one was enemy – not even the soldiers who executed his father’s orders of killing him! He saw Lord in each and every person and hence loved all and was fearless and without anger towards them. Just the fact that he did not accept Hiranyakashyap as his God, he was ordered to be killed and that too at an young age of seven! See how our desire can blind us and to what extent we go to do away with people whom we consider as stumbling block in the fulfillment of our desires!


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