Monday, March 17, 2014



We not only seek answers but also learn from our Gurus some knowledge like archery etc (including higher knowledge).  Even this can be learnt from a Guru in his absence. 

Like Ekalavya learnt archery from Guru Dronacharya.  But, in such cases, the most important thing is the true 'Bhakthi' - devotion that the student should have towards his Guru.  If the Bhakthi is pur, he can learn from Guru's presence what a student present with Guru himself couldn't learn i.e., what Arjuna couldn't learn in Guru Dronacharya's presence, Ekalavya learnt in his absence.  The reason is, when physically present, our ego comes between us and our Guru and we miss out on learning.  But, in our Guru's absence our ego doesn't come to the fore and our learning becomes easy.

But, is it available for all?

Yes.  It is available for all.  But only, the pure in heart and one who's surrenderance to his Guru is complete can learn like Ekalavya.  Don't forget, he gave his thumb as Guru Dakshina though he could give an excuse that his Guru hasn't taught him physically.  But, he didn't. That is honesty.  That is gratitude and that is integrity of character.

Rare are such people and rarer still as student because what is common is inspite of learning from a Guru in person, people 'cheat' yes I repeat 'cheat' on paying fees and other dues.  They postpone paying eternally quoting insensible reasons - not because they can't afford - no, just a look at their expenses will give you clear picture that they don't have 'right' intentions.  With this nature unfortunately what is taught by Guru is also not absorbed by the student. If learnt not applied or used by the student because nature wouldn't let him have the benefit of learning because of his wrong attitude.

Is this the only loss?  No.  They lose their money by way of gambling (mostly by their family members), people cheat on them.  They invest in such of deals which are bad and lose all the money, get caught by cheaters and end up paying money to black-mailers.  Their dues is not realised.  They lose heavily in their businesses.  Their family members become way ward and end up not earning money and they end up squandering all their earnings.  Then they complain "Why I am suffering so much?"  If only they realize and pay the dues due to their master..........

So, remember "Attitide" of the student should be right, pure and not even least amount of arrogance, cheating etc would be accepted by the nature!


Related posts : Friday, July 5, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013

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