Thursday, March 13, 2014



Likewise, instead of trying to find a Ideal Guru make everyone you meet your Guru and learn something from them.  One will teach to how not to use words, other how to serve. One may teach how to get dressed and other how to be disciplined. 

All these I admire in other people - already!

That way, I am already a 'good student. Right? - could be your next question.

Fine.  Admiring is good.  But, it doesn't benefit you one bit.  Be humble to accept that 'I lack this quality" and put it to practise regularly till it becomes your nature.  Only when you apply you become a student - not by just admiring!

So, there is nothing as being blessed to have a Guru if I am learning from negative ones too! Right?

Wrong.  Guru is always a Guru!

No doubt about it.  But, before you meet Guru, you should've empties yourself of 'yourself' i.e, your ego.  And that can happen easily and efforlessly when you learn, apply and change as you meet every person in your life.

When you've emptied yourself then "The Guru" enters your life when you are ready for Him!  He enters as a breeze in your life.  You'll find the solace of getting to stand under the shade of a huge tree after walking in the hot sun for hours.  You'll know you've reached your home when you meet him.  Just a thought of him will make you peaceful.  You don't have to make an effort - You are Peaceful - Just like that!

But, when I am not free of ego, even after meeting him, staying with him, talking, walking and living with him I'll not be able to recognise him and hence will not be able to get the benefit of being and living with a Guru.  I would treat him like any other as per my nature and like a monkey through away a diamond thinking it to be useless.....


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