Wednesday, October 6, 2021

No man left behind - on Sadhan!

No man left behind - on Sadhan!

Further to here are few more words and suggestions.....

Dassera is starting tomorrow and hence most of you would be having more time in hand - possibly!? It being festival week, work is less in most of the organizations. Some institutions like educational may even have holidays declared for them......So, this is with regard to this possibility........

For those who haven't completed 108 japam yet : The extra free time if you have got because of the above said reason, please use it to complete the said 108 japam target allocating more time for the same in these few days....jap, tap, sadhan done during any of our festival days increases its effect and benefit put these days to good use...

It is not needed that we do only POOJA during these festive days - even jap and tap done as sadhan is equally - no, in fact more beneficial than any other ritual followed.....

Also remember that others are waiting for you to complete the said sadhan so that they can move on with the new one....people are waiting for you, working extra with you and cheering you - is it not your duty too to reciprocate by feeling obligated to return their affection and concern by working more towards completing 108 japams? Think about it! I hope to hear that all the remaining ones have completed 108 japams by Dassera. And don't start with 'but maam, I decided to do one mala per day...' - listen to your words , think again and choose right....

Your family member doing this is good, but for them. By asking others in the family to do is good but that doesn't count as your sadhan. So, if you think you have done sadhan by stating how much they have done, then I say, 'think again'!!!

for those who have completed 108 japams and want some special sadhan during these days : "As told always it is not about how many moves you know, it is all about how many times you have practiced the one move that you know!" Instead on always demanding 'new techniques' why not go to old techniques that you have stopped practicing for what so ever reason and start them for these 10 days? Just take one sadhan technique say 'homam' for morning, some meditation for afternoon and some other healing technique for evening. This way you only sit for say 1/2 an per sitting and that wouldn't be difficult to squeeze in your routine. You will also not feel bored of doing sadhan continuously. You will also benefit from the regularity of this sadhan. So many good reasons. So why not do this this Dassera?

People who have been vaccinated will be attending the class after Dassera. Further details will be given after wards........


Swati said...

Wow looking forward for the classes and the special sadhan in these 10days

Vaibhav said...

Thank You So Much for the idea mam and looking forward for classes