Saturday, August 24, 2019

No class for now...

No class for now need for registration for session on 'Shiv Parvathi'...

Thursday, August 22, 2019

on saying and quotes!

on saying and quotes!

A helping hand is better than a pitying heart...

It is better to live with heart that reaches out to mind that looks to understand......

collective karma

Collective karma

Read related posts to know about collective karma -

check out other posts too in this topic and you will find your answers.....if there are any other questions, then be specific in asking....

and don't comment as  'unknown' - put up your name.......

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

On karma

On karma....

We are bearing consequences of our karma. 

This is a known fact. 

And it is painful to be where we are and what we are bearing....then shouldn't we be more conscious of what we think, how we act and what we feel viz is the way we generate our 'future karma'? 

Because again it would be "us" who would be reaping the 'fruits of' our such karmas?


Sit to ponder :

a. Are we attending classes just for the heck of it or are we here to change our way of thinking so that it would reflect in our lives and live conditions?

b. Are we being adamant to be who we are and still expect results that don't match with our nature?

c. Which is important to us ? Our attitude which we don't WANT to change or the results which we want in our lives? The choice is yours and so is the life.....

# adamant, attitude, desires, wants, karma, healing, we are what we sow....

Soul connect!

Soul connect

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For those of you who have lost someone to death – when I mean lost I mean those who are missing the person gone… Who were affectionate with the person gone…who wish the other person be with them NOW too….

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Be it any day – their birthday, death day, some festival that brings their memory to the front or any other day when you miss them and want to be with them or do something for them…….

You can do two things –

a.     Do charity in their name. Give out food, clothing, educational needs of someone can be fulfilled….the sky is the limit in this area….

b.    Do ‘soul healing’ as taught in II dg…(don’t say ‘maam, how?’ forgot since not doing since ages…). Take out II dg notes (search if can’t remember where it is) and do it atleast for 15mts for the person you want….

Image result for death quotesIMP: Those who are glad their family member passed away, don't do charity in their name to "SHOW " to people around you.......

Stop's ok not to feel bad or lose of that person you didn't like....

but, the 'karma' you generate by way of this 'acting good person' would cost you  heavily......I repeat - STOP pretending and acting "the loss" are also insulting the pain of the person who genuinely misses his love of life.....


Sit to ponder : 

a. We are bearing consequences of our karma. This is a known fact. And it is painful to be where we are and what we are bearing....then shouldn't we be more conscious of what we think, how we act and what we feel viz is the way we generate our 'future karma'? Because again it would be "us" who would be reaping the 'fruits of' our such karmas?

a. Are we hear to please and fool people in our lives to think that we are good people?

b. Would we not have to heal less if our intentions and acts match with each other?

c. While we are fooling others, are we not fooling ourselves too?

d. Can we cheat Universe and God with this acting?

# soul healing, death, near and dear ones, karmas, love beyond death....

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Soul connect

Soul connect

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One person lost her husband to health complications and she was glad it happened. She never liked her husband. She was married for more than 20 years. She had grown up children too. But, she felt he was conditioning her life. She felt free after his death. She was happy, contended and reveled in the unconditional way of living…..

Image result for death quotesOne more lady lost her husband to health complications. She was deeply in love with her husband. She fought with her parents to share life with him. She shared very few years of life together with him. She was devastated when he fell sick. She felt the emptiness in her life when he died. She loved him dearly. Yet she had to live life for the expression of their love their child who was a toddler….

The stories of both these women look similar when only few facts are taken into consideration.  But they are way apart from each other….

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Don’t assume the other to experience or feel how you feel in a similar situation. It is not the same….it need not be….it necessarily is not…..

Stop assuming facts….

Stop assigning your feelings to their stories and life……


Points to ponder and understand - 

a. Stop pitying people who are in mourning....or in pain 

b. Many times the pain we assume others are undergoing is just our assumption. Many times they are celebrating the 'sorry event' of their lives (which bye the way is no way wrong )'s just that don't use same yardstick to measure two events of life......

c. You can't assume the 'quality of relationship' based on the "NAME" given to it.....

On requests ...

It's always heartening to hear that you expect a post from me /this blog - especially when there is gap of few days ......

I have said it before and i repeat, it is such times and such words that keep me going and wanting to write more often......

Because when I just write there are hardly couple of you who respond and i don't know if any one is interested or not, benefiting or continue and to want to write again....

don't flatter or sing unnecessary praises but just a word or two on how it benefited you or a simple sentence that it helped you would be good enough for me to keep going.......

this is not a blog i write for my need (which is usual case when people use this forum).....i started it because few of you wanted to listen more often from me and distance was a problem for you with regards to that need or desire of you.....

so if it doesn't serve that purpose then ....

so, once again, it's good to hear that 'you are missing the posts' as i couldn't post for past few bad.....

I try to be as punctual as possible but.......

On change!

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On change!

Every change is  frightening. 

But the nature of life is “CHANGE”. 

Every change is challenging. 

But for a change, challenge the challenge of change. 

And see yourself come out victorious in this challenge!

P.S :  You may have read previous posts, yet read the links given once'll find something that you have missed noticing earlier and which would be your answer now!

Monday, August 12, 2019

sayings and quotes....

sayings and quotes....

A single conversation with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books.

One who has done it is lucky...

One who validates it is blessed....but to be blessed one needs to be humble ...

when one is humble he becomes eligible......

the eligible is grateful and validates..

and the grateful heart receives the "Blessing"!

A single conversation with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books.

One who has had such a experience but did not receive the benefit out of it is a fool.

He is one who is looking for "his answers" his way ONLY and misses out on the "REAL KNOWLEDGE" that comes this way....

He loses it inspite of having been given.

He loses it inspite of having received from the "wise"

and his unworthiness "sends" or negates the "wisdom" that came his way...

Work on "worthiness"........

Saturday, August 10, 2019

I say - on fear!

I say on fear!

Not everything that we fear is as fearful  as we imagine it to be!

Not everything that we fear comes true!

Not everything we fear turns out the way we imagine it!

We die thousand deaths before we die because of this fear...

Let's kill our fears so we can atleast live before we die!



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The period of healing and facing ‘fear’ would be very painful and traumatic. But there is no short cut to it. We saying ‘I don’t like it or am not comfortable’ is not going to make this journey easy or vanish. Enough of being a ‘sissy baby’! Enough of pitying self! Enough of playing the ‘victim’! Enough of being a ‘parasite’ and pushing on the responsibility on to others! Be a man! Be responsible and finally overcome this fear of yours!

The various techniques taught to you will empower you finally and use them again and again to overcome fear!

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Work on your trust and be on this path of sadhan.

Work on expectations and conditions too!

Accept that not everything will go as planned!

Be open to mishappenings in life!

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“Greatest sin of human life is ‘fear’” – Swami Vivekananda and so say our Vedas!

So let us outgrow this “cancer” that has been eating our energies, capabilities, potentials and our life from us!

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Let us wage war against this fear!

Let us free ourselves of our greatest enemy!

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Friday, August 9, 2019



Fear - Overcome it NOW!

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But the painful truth is also that it will keep coming back in our lives as situations again and again. We can’t avoid it. Better face it and overcome it now than later! (Those who cry and say “Why should God /Guru/Reiki force me to walk this path when I don’t want to?” can skip reading this and following it. So relax!  This is only for those who are fed up of running away from such situations that compel you to experience the above symptoms which are very painful and we suffer a lot during such times.

Guru /Reiki/ God or even I can only be there as support and guide to see you or encourage you to keep healing and facing the ‘fear situation’. We can’t overcome it for you!

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So tighten your seat belts and be ready to go on this roller coaster ride! Did we not get enough of this ‘fear’? Is it not high time we face it and overcome it? So let’s do it NOW!

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