Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Soul connect!

Soul connect

Image result for death quotes

For those of you who have lost someone to death – when I mean lost I mean those who are missing the person gone… Who were affectionate with the person gone…who wish the other person be with them NOW too….

Image result for death quotes

Be it any day – their birthday, death day, some festival that brings their memory to the front or any other day when you miss them and want to be with them or do something for them…….

You can do two things –

a.     Do charity in their name. Give out food, clothing, educational needs of someone can be fulfilled….the sky is the limit in this area….

b.    Do ‘soul healing’ as taught in II dg…(don’t say ‘maam, how?’ forgot since not doing since ages…). Take out II dg notes (search if can’t remember where it is) and do it atleast for 15mts for the person you want….

Image result for death quotesIMP: Those who are glad their family member passed away, don't do charity in their name to "SHOW " to people around you.......

Stop's ok not to feel bad or lose of that person you didn't like....

but, the 'karma' you generate by way of this 'acting good person' would cost you  heavily......I repeat - STOP pretending and acting "the loss" are also insulting the pain of the person who genuinely misses his love of life.....


Sit to ponder : 

a. We are bearing consequences of our karma. This is a known fact. And it is painful to be where we are and what we are bearing....then shouldn't we be more conscious of what we think, how we act and what we feel viz is the way we generate our 'future karma'? Because again it would be "us" who would be reaping the 'fruits of' our such karmas?

a. Are we hear to please and fool people in our lives to think that we are good people?

b. Would we not have to heal less if our intentions and acts match with each other?

c. While we are fooling others, are we not fooling ourselves too?

d. Can we cheat Universe and God with this acting?

# soul healing, death, near and dear ones, karmas, love beyond death....

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