Wednesday, August 21, 2019

On karma

On karma....

We are bearing consequences of our karma. 

This is a known fact. 

And it is painful to be where we are and what we are bearing....then shouldn't we be more conscious of what we think, how we act and what we feel viz is the way we generate our 'future karma'? 

Because again it would be "us" who would be reaping the 'fruits of' our such karmas?


Sit to ponder :

a. Are we attending classes just for the heck of it or are we here to change our way of thinking so that it would reflect in our lives and live conditions?

b. Are we being adamant to be who we are and still expect results that don't match with our nature?

c. Which is important to us ? Our attitude which we don't WANT to change or the results which we want in our lives? The choice is yours and so is the life.....

# adamant, attitude, desires, wants, karma, healing, we are what we sow....

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