Monday, August 5, 2019

Heal self!

Heal self!

Every time we pass on our feelings of irritation, resentment, anger, frustration, hopelessness, helplessness, emptiness, inferiority complex without healing we are creating a 'time bomb'.

Every negative feeling is added to it and it starts to tick the moment we leave it 'unhealed' at the start...

It is as if with every incident we are adding one drop of water (negative feeling) to the bucket of 'negative feeling'.

The day an event or a trigger happens that fills this bucket of water to the brim it overflows and that comes out as an outrage. It can come out as a mindless massacre, shooting, suicide or some harmful act.

No one becomes that overnight. 

It is years of experience gone undetected, unnoticed and unhealed that comes out as rage, anger.

Not every one becomes a murderer.

We can end up hitting our kids, friends, servants in the fit of anger. That is also a sign that "the time bomb of anger" is clicking inside me....

and we ask "why do we need to heal " our every day experiences?

You decide!

You think!

You choose - choose wisely!

 Points to ponder : 

Why to heal?

What happens when small incidents that generated small feelings of irritation, resentment etc were left unchecked over long periods of time?

What is the cause of sudden outbursts of people which we condemn when it happens?

# self healing, peace, outer world reflection of inner world, anger, every day baggage, let go


Kshitija said...

Thank you Mam since yesterday I have been thinking about my feelings thoughts etc that r going on a similar note of negativity today as soon as I read it now it’s like your telling come on get back to sadhan
This post is like a guiding lamp for me i will work on myself again from now . I will read it as many times as possible To understand it better
Because each time I read it I am able to find a new emotion of mine that needs to be healed

Kshitija said...

This post has helped me today .
Since last few days I have been experiencing anger , irritation etc I was observing myself and was not able to bear myself . Today this post has shown the mirror to me thank u