Friday, July 28, 2017

soul journey - jada bharath - Bhagavatham

Me, my Guru
Journey of the soul - Jada Bharath – Bhagavatham

“King Bharath on whose name India was called as ‘Bharathavarsha’ ruled his kingdom for very many years. All his subjects were prosperous, contended, peaceful and happy in his rule. As was the tradition as per Vedic principles, after attaining certain age, every person was to go for ‘vanaprastha’. In India, each person was to follow four stages in his life – brahmacharya – the period when he accumulates knowledge and becomes eligible to lead a worldly life. Next, was the stage of ‘Gruhasthashram’ – that of an house-holder, i.e., being married, going through life following Dharma in earning and spending money, leading a social life, in raising family and in being a responsible citizen of the state. At 60 years he was to enter ‘vanaprasthashram’ that of a recluse who leaves his family, mostly along with his wife, living on meagre things and practising all such of study and techniques needed to know ‘Self’ and last was the ‘sanyasashramam’ i.e., leading a life of a monk – totally concentrating on the ‘Divine’ and working towards that end only.

This way every person’s life-span was divided in the ratio of 50:50, ie., there was balance of a materialistic and spiritual life and both tasks of the soul could be easily and completely attended to.  

Now King Bharath also followed ‘Dharma’ and hence coronate his son and left to live in the forest. There he lived only on fruits and roots and prepared his body fit enough for spiritual practices. Other times, he would be lost in meditation in the middle of that lush forest. He had progressed considerably in that path and realization was just few ‘blocks’ away when he faced a very common phenomenon in the forest. He was taking bath on the banks of a river when he saw a tiger chasing a deer. Now this deer that was in advanced stage of pregnancy out of fear gave birth to a fawn but she herself was to become food for the tiger immediately.


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