Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Just clarify!!!

further to following 'query i received in comments section'

You've taught us so many techniques in Sadhan and you've shared so many of your thoughts here. Sometimes, it gets a little difficult to remember and implement, although we keep trying. 

If you have to just say one thing, or one line, which one could live by and may be sort most of the problems, what would it be? Is it even possible to do so? 

Please give out atleast few of the 'thoughts' that you found worth following or implementing...it doesn't matter even if just few.....

and by saying 'one thing or one line' does it mean 'the most important one thing' or does it mean 'the one thing that encompasses or capsules all the teachings into one word or sentence?'


Mona said...

Sorry for replying so late. We benefit greatly from what we read everyday, but some of the ones which are on the top of my mind:
-Just Drop
We had discussed this in class as well, and we used it for every negative thought, action or intention. The moment we realise we dont need it, we would just drop it.

- The story of Sri Krishna
The thought about, how much even a God personified had to struggle and work hard to achieve what he was here for. And how we donot realise the value of hardwork and just say "but he was God, so its no great feat if he could lift a hill". I'm reminded of this everytime I struggle with too much work. :-)

- On impermanence
Especially the explanation of "you cant wash your feet in the same river twice". How we compare situations, emotions and people, while forgetting to embrace the present.

These are only 3 of may be the 3000 teachings which have helped me.

Also, I was asking about the one thing which is the most important, not the one that encompasses all teachings (although that would be great but I dont know if it is possible :-) ). So that I pin it up and read it everyday. :-)

Vaibhav's idea of "Be in Sadhan" is also good. If I do that, I may not need anything else.

Mona said...

Also Ma'am, I dont have enough words to express my gratitude for you.

Once in class, someone had asked you what a true Guru means and you had said, "Remember the time when you were just about to slip on the stairs and you suddenly felt as if someone held you by the shoulders. The one who held you was your Guru."

I dint understand it completely then, but I definitely do now!