Thursday, July 13, 2017

On changing destiny – Me, My Guru

On changing destiny – Me, My Guru


If you have a difficult relationship, then sit back and relax. Close your eyes and meditate on the type of relationship and the qualities that are predominant in that relationship. For example, if you are the ‘good type’ – meaning one who doesn’t assert yourself or one ready to please all, then you will have a ‘dominating personality’ as a ‘difficult person’ in your life. But the question is, is this the only person who is so in your life? Think about it! You’ll be surprised to notice that this type of person has been there always in your life – be it a parent/sibling/friend/teacher et like. And it doesn’t stop now’ll meet the same type – only the person changes but the type being same again and again in your life – be it your boss/colleague/neighbour/ second spouse/children and who not till you learn to break this pattern and that is possible only by changing yourself as a person. There is no other shortcut to heal this. So, instead of running away from this present situation and person heal and learn to grow as a person. Develop the attitude that you lack. Then you’ll break not only this ‘painful person’s effect’ in your life but also all the persons you are to meet of similar types in your life in future.
But it would take ages maam! you can choose an easier route..go on a ‘depression drive’ collect as much sympathy as you want from your ‘so called well-wishers’ and listen to as many as ‘I told you so’ from all such good people (who actually were most of the time who had given the same treatment to you some time back in your life!) and wallow in self-pity!!!

Remember ‘Rome was not built in a Day’. So, have patience and be in regular sadhan. Doing sadhan for 1/2an hour and crying for 23 hrs – well how do you think it would work? Do simple maths here! A tap fills the bucket in 20 mts but there are 20 holes in that bucket, now how long it takes to fill that bucket? Same way, if your sadhan and your expectation from your sadhan....increase your sadhan and decrease your negativity........your sadhan should be for 23hrs and negativity for 1/2an hour then the things will work.....

Work on yourself too as you work on the relationship. These both ways of healing gives faster results and better ones too. Not only that, since you have changed, you’ll find a sea change in all your other relationships too!”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a superb blog, thank you for sharing.