Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Pray for others - Me, My Guru


Pray for others - Me, My Guru

Our thankyous and sorrys were few and so far in between. Not that our Guru complained to any about it or made us feel bad about it but when we realized this joy of sharing, we knew we had to give her something in return. Each of us made a ‘discipline’ of giving or bringing what we ‘wanted’ to give to our Guru from time to time but one thing that we all gave regularly was ‘Pray for our Guru’ without fail. We followed this
routine for few days and still few empty of giving and it was then we included our Guru’s family and all people who affect her and her life to be healed regularly. It was then that we felt ‘we had finally done it right’. You’ve to do it to believe it. If you are looking for some material gain, don’t even start it. But if you are working on raising yourself as a person, if you are working on your attitude and character then try it. Do it, experience it to know what it does!”.

That entire group seconded it. Thought of ‘Praying for our Guru’ never crossed my mind and I am sure most of us actually found it too distant a thought to be even considering it. But their talk was tempting and we actually had a slight inkling to walk this path. Going to the extent of family and friends was ok, but beyond that and especially our Guru – wow! That was a bit too much. I had to argue with my logical self before working on it so for now it was friends and family................


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