Thursday, June 20, 2013

Someday - a Poem!

Someday !

Today, i had fight with myself
Today, my desires fought with my principles
Today my commitments fought with my weaknesses
my excuses had a row with my schedule
my confusion had a tiff with my clarity of thought
Today i had fight with myself...

sometimes, my desires win over my principles
my commitments lose to weaknesses
my schedule is won over by my excuses
and confusion hits my clarity of thought
today was one such day!
today was just another day!

Someday, i wish and am sure that 
my principles will rule over my desires
my weaknesses will rest when my commitments take over
my schedule will be right on time
when my clarity will wipe away my confusion....

Someday i am sure of that
it's just that today is not that day!
But someday i am sure 
it'll not be today!


Kshitija said...

excellent ...............awsome

Kshitija said...

Yes it is very true and correct excellent