Thursday, June 13, 2013

Me, My Guru - I am what I am


After few minutes Priya asked me “So, what is your commission from Vidya?” I was like stunned and hurt.  Here I had helped her and instead of thanking me she was taunting me for doing this for a commission.  Usually I would end up crying or become cynical..but this time I played this statement in my mind “You are what you read” and I immediately understood the situation.  Priya was the type who would never help others unless she benefited in some way through that transaction…in other cases she would simply give some excuse and vanish from the scene….she assigned her own character to me…she didn’t and couldn’t accept that someone can do things for others without wanting some benefit for themselves…”She could see others as herself only”.  A person wearing yellow glasses sees the world tainted as yellow only.  Likewise how could she know that what she wasn’t is also is a possibility of being and that someone could be just that?  She couldn’t see my friendly nature because she herself didn’t have it…what she didn’t have she can’t know and what she doesn’t know how can she read that? So that way “she was what she read” she wasn’t reading me or understanding me……her understanding on the other hand reflected who she was or what her character was! That’s all!” I completed my explanation panting with excitement…..

Midway through my explanation my Guru had turned around looking at me and smiling…when I completed she simply said “mmmm. That’s all! Apply it again and see…” saying this she went to talk to other student and I knew that was it for the day…..

I was bit dejected and turned to go……may be there was more to come I said to myself and left her place……


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