Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Me, My guru

Me, My Guru

It was 10 days since I met her last. I was excited about today’s meeting.  Very rarely, I understand what she has said or explained experientially. This was one such time.  I was excited to share this knowledge with her. My hands were shaking when I opened the gate of her house…I smiled. She would tell me “It’s just an experience…yes, even an understanding is just an experience. Why do you give so much of importance to it?  If you are excited about it or feel proud about your understanding or an experience, then it means you are bound by it – and that my dear, is no good..have an understanding, apply it and then move available to the next understanding…so now drop your excitement!” I have heard her say it so many times yet I couldn’t live it……like most of her sayings….

This was for some other time….now was the time of understanding “You are what you read”….

She was feeding some pigeons and her back was towards me…I tiptoed near her.”So! this one understanding has got you so much excited. Yeah? Fine, tell me” she said without even turning around to see who it was….

My excitement gave rise to surprise but I gulped my surprise and started “the other day I met Priya.  She looked  a bit tensed. I enquired and she said they had a function in their place the next day and the caterer had gone back on his word because of a death in his house..she had arranged for everything else….and where would she get a caterer at such short notice…she was worried. I simply smiled and offered to enquire with the couple of caterers that I knew.  While she waited I dialed Vidya and asked if she was willing to take this order at such short notice…she immediately agreed and I put Priya on phone and she fixed Vidya for her function.


Kshitija said...

Mam I have returned from tirupathi today I am having a feast thank you

Kshitija said...

Mam I have returned from tirupathi today I am having a feast thank you