Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Me, My Guru

Me, My guru

She was cleaning when I went to meet her.  I waited for sometime.  Then I realized, she wouldn’t come and sit till she is through her cleaning.  So, I put a question to her then and there.

“Yesterday, I read a strange story. It was something like this.  In a certain village, it was known to all that a zen master called everyone zen master.  He saw a master in all.  A notorious bandit once came to meet him and said “I heard everyone say that you see a zen master in everyone.  Is it true?” “Yes” replied the master.  “Do you see a zen master even in me?” asked the bandit.  “Yes” said the master.  The bandit laughed and said “But, I don’t see a master in you.  I see you as a manipulative  and dangerous bandit.  What do you have to say?”  “It’s perfect “ replied the zen master “and I also understand it.  I am a zen master and I see one in everyone and you are a dangerous bandit and you see one in everyone.  Absolutely fine.”

She smiled and said “True.  You are what you read. Apply it to various situations and see.  Practice it for few days and then I’ll explain”.

I knew I had lots of homework to do and so left her place to start practicing it…….


Kshitija said...

Mam please wite the next article waiting eagerly please write mam......

Kshitija said...

Mam please write the blog ur silence is very annoying please wite the blog mam ur msgs are very refreshing and they bring new messages and adds colours to our lives other wise dull and boring please write the blog mam please give ur msg

Kshitija said...

Mam please write the bolg atleast this is the way we would be able to here u be with u please write the blog if ur silent its just like something in life is missing please write the blog mam please every day I check it to see if there are any new atoms