Sunday, May 5, 2013

Just a thought...

Six Billion people and more in this world which we call as ours….
Some are struggling to make both ends meet…
Others  are confused not knowing what to do with the excess they have…
Some are angry about everything….
Others are ok with everything….
Some are evil trying to make life miserable for the good and kind….
Others are good fighting the bad and evil…
Some are struggling with the Truth they have just discovered…
Others are telling lies to see them through today…
Some have accepted things they once rejected…
Others are thinking to break-free..
Some are making mistakes unknowingly….
Others are mending their ways….
For some others mean nothing….
And for others some mean the world…
Yes our world is made up of both these types…..
To look for only one type would be a waste of time – for all come under some or the other…..

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