Thursday, June 27, 2013

The one who has gratitude will always look for the benefits she/he got from the situation – however bitter or painful it is and 
The one who doesn’t want the blame of failure or doing (here it is doing wrong reiki) on self and so out of that fright pushes the blame onto the reiki or the master by asking this question ‘why it didn’t work inspite of doing reiki?’

Then what was the reason for these qualities….the first one believed and lived saying ‘I am doing reiki and all that is happening is as per the wish of reiki – this person is not feeling failure or being successfull when reiki works/doesn’t work….this person doesn’t feel he/she is the doer….

Whereas the second category are those who feel they are the doer and hence the success or failure (as per their defination only) belongs to them and they feel as a failure when they do reiki and don’t see results as per their specifications…..when the results are as per their expectations they take the credit and enjoy it but when the results are not as per their expectations then they are afraid that the blame may be put on them for not doing reiki correctly and in that fear they transfer the blame onto the master or reiki with a simple question ‘why it didn’t work though I did it ?’

I smiled at the ignorance of the mind and the way ego has its way with such simple tactics… doubt maya is so powerful……

lord lead me into light from darkness – this is my only prayer to you for now and for ever!


Kshitija said...

Very true .

Kshitija said...

How foolish I was to ask you whether u would call me again?
I was or I am very scared of loosing you or moving away from the comfort zone of being with you physically in a class or relay on you for every thing?
I questioned my self where is ur absence in my life for me to be scared of loosing you or ur pressence
As usual my intellectual mind started giving me the answer then I asked it to shut up and went to think again
Then I found very interesting facts
In thinking about you ------ Ur there
In Remembering you -------Ur there
In Remembering ur smile ----- Ur there
In remembering ur conversations ------------ Ur there
In Remembering your words-------------------Ur there
In re-living/ Recollecting and rewinding ur class in my mind --------------- ur there
In the methods u taught -------------------ur there
In the methods of cooking u taught -------------- ur there
ur there in my past present and future
Ur there in my anger and scare
If I go thinking this way then ur there in every walk of my life since past and u will be there in the future tooo then where is ur absence ?
where is the question of loosing uu?
Then why is it that I am scared of loosing u is it my attachment/Expectation
Is it maya?
Dont know
Will try to find and let u know
P.s: even after writing this I am still scared of not speaking to u