Monday, June 24, 2013


Yesterday, I received two calls – both on the same issue and yet so different from each other…

First person called and said “recently I met with an accident.  Had 21 stitches on the head and had couple of fractures.  I was totally bed ridden for three months. During this time, I had time to look into my life and the way I was leading it. Now that I had brush with death, I cherished life and wanted to live it fully – honestly –that is being honest to my feelings and desire.  I no longer believed in pain and suffering – whatsoever be the reason….

I immediately let go off my 20 year relationship which was just a namesake – all because I was afraid of getting a bad name in the society, not wanting to let go off the material benefit I got from being in that relationship, because I was afraid of taking full responsibility of my children…but I hid these reasons behind a statement that I adjusted and suffered in this relationship and so am a good person….how stupid of me! That I understand now…thanks to this accident, I’ve decided to live and let live in every relationship….i just called to thank you and reiki for guiding me all these years…you were always right when you said ‘ even a bad event is a good event’ now I understand that completely….this accident in fact as changed me and my lifestyle completely and I am totally at peace with myself – with no ill-feelings towards anyone….”


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