Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Second person called and said “I drew shield on my aunt and yet she fell down.  I had also sent intention reiki saying she is healthy and safe – yet why did she fall?”

Both were reiki channels and had been practicing reiki now for few years….yet the way they had perceived the same incident was so different from each other that it set me thinking….

What was the factor that controls our perspective on an event or a person for that matter?

Undoubtedly , the basic character or the attitude of the person….and that was either of the one always –



Kshitija said...


Kshitija said...

Today when I questioned my self about my definition of happiness then my intellectual mind started answering me but today I wanted to know the real definition hence questioned my self repeatedly and found I am happy when other's sympathise with me when they say I am a good person when they ask me about how I am I always try to talk about the problems I feel I have even when I got what I want I was not happy ........let me go further and see