Saturday, February 16, 2013

Me, My Guru

Me, My Guru

I loved reading stories. We all do I believe. That is one habit that spills over from childhood till old age. And yesterday, I read a story on Lord Buddha. It showed how he practiced frugality. I wondered why such a great guru with such huge ashram and such huge resources. Why should he be so much interested in saving, re-cycling and avoid even small wastage? I was looking forward to my meeting with my guru today. I had a valid question to ask. I wonder how she would react will she give her usual smile? Will she explain? Or will she tell one more story. I wondered. I was excited.

My heart was pounding with excitement as I stepped into her premises. Today promised something. Something I didn’t know but was looking forward to it. And there she was near the tap filling water in a bucket. My excitement gave way to surprise that was dipped in confusion. She seemed relaxed should I add as ever!

I went and stood beside her and asked “Any problem?” without even turning her head she replied. “Less water in our bore should wait till afternoon for sump to be filled again. So filling some water”. I stood there with her not knowing what else to do. She filled 2 of her buckets and closed the tap I was confused’ I saw her other buckets empty. “Why are you not filling those buckets?” I asked. “This is just enough” she said.


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